Solutions through innovation

Challenging the way things are done

Challenging the way things are done, CoBond Material Solutions is delivering cost-effective products and solutions to overcome excessive wear while reducing downtime and increasing productivity.

Some of the innovative products and solutions we manufacure and supply include: fast curing conveyor belt repair kits, proprietary bonded high density ceramic wear plate liners, advanced light weight composites structures, specialist adhesives and sealants, protective coatings and polyurethane castings.

Supplying Industry Leaders

We replaced our rubber seals with CoBond’s cast polyurethane seals. We have seen the maintenance change out of the rubber seals go from 6 – 10 weeks to 9 – 12 months with the polyurethane seals. Massive saving – thank you!

Cast Polyurethane

We’ve been so impressed with CoBond’s ceramic wear liners. CoBond’s solution has significantly outlasted the liners we previously used. Their solution has delivered real benefits and cost savings.

Ceramic Wear Liners

Since using CoBond’s conveyor belt repair products, we have consistently extended the life of a damaged belt. This has saved us millions of dollars. Keep the innovative solutions coming…

Conveyor Belt Repairs