CoBond Material Solutions (CoBond) is committed to ensuring the privacy of all individuals with whom we have dealings and to manage all personal information appropriately. As part of this commitment, CoBond has elected to be bound by the National Privacy Principles set down by the Privacy Commissioner under the Privacy Act 2000.

This Privacy Statement outlines how CoBond manages, uses and protects personal information under the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 (Cth) and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Our Commitment to Openness

CoBond is committed to being open and honest about the personal information it collects and the use of such information.

Where CoBond asks for personal information, we will generally make apparent the use of the information and to whom it may be disclosed.

What Kind of Personal Information is Collected and How is it Collected

CoBond collects little personal information, other than information obtained in the course of trade and employer/employee relationship information.

Personal information which may be collected by CoBond includes name, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, and other information relating to the person.

In general, CoBond collects information by way of documents or forms in the course of trade and in the conduct of business activities. Information may be collected directly or indirectly by telephone, correspondence, email or CoBond’s internet website.

CoBond on occasion may collect personal information from a third party, such as when receiving the results in relation to a pre-employment evaluation process or when contacting a referee in relation to a job application. Results may include a competency test and medical information, etc.

In relation to third party personal information, CoBond will seek consent prior to requesting this information or take reasonable steps to inform the party of the collection of personal information.

Website Information

CoBond does not collect any personal information about you via our website, unless you voluntarily choose to participate in an activity such as sending electronic mail, participating in a survey, undertaking a payment or some other online transaction.

CoBond does not attempt to identify individual users or their browsing activities or disclose information about individual visits to any outside parties, other than to our related entities, or where the law requires it. Where we engage a third-party service provider to perform services which may involve handling personal information,

CoBond will take all reasonable steps to ensure the privacy principals are complied with.

Sensitive Information

Generally CoBond does not collect sensitive information about individuals, other than as part of a contract of employment (which is in general exempt from the operation of the Act).

CoBond recognises its obligations of confidentiality and maintains all sensitive information in a restricted and secure environment.

CoBond also, where practical, applies the privacy principles to secure the privacy of employment records.

Identifiers and Anonymity

CoBond, as part of its commitment to ensuring the security of personal information collected, has developed its own identification system for reference and retrieval purposes.

CoBond endeavour, wherever reasonable and appropriate, to apply the principle of anonymity to the collection of personal information.

How is Personal Information Used and Disclosed

Information collected by CoBond may be used for authorised purposes in the course of trade and business activities.

CoBond will only disclose information for the purpose it was obtained (Primary purpose), for a purpose related to the purpose for which the information was obtained or as required by law (Secondary purpose).

Primary purposes for which CoBond may disclose personal information include:

  • debt collection agencies to recover unpaid debts;
  • a third party for pre-employment testing; or
  • to CoBond related entities in the course of business.

Secondary purposes for which CoBond may disclose personal information include:

  • when required by legal warrant or summons;
  • for the investigation of a suspected criminal activity; or
  • where harm to a person or substantial property is imminent.

CoBond reserves the right to engage a third-party service provider to handle personal information. Where a third party is engaged

CoBond will take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance with the National Privacy Principles and CoBond’s Privacy Policy.

How is Personal Information Stored

Information collected by CoBond is stored in hard copy or electronically. The protection of personal information is important to CoBond and security procedures are in place to protect personal information.

CoBond hold information records for periods required under taxation and corporation’s law and destroy and/or de-identify information no longer required.

Keeping Personal Information Up to Date and Accurate

CoBond will endeavour to ensure the accuracy of the personal information and may contact you from time to time to confirm the information you have provided is up to date. If the personal information we hold changes, please contact us so that we may update the information.

Transfer of Data

CoBond may, from time to time, transfer personal information outside Australia, such as for the performance of a contract. Where information is transferred outside Australia, CoBond will, where practical, obtain consent to the transfer and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that information transferred remains subject to the standards set out in this Policy.

CoBond takes all reasonable security measures to protect personal information from loss, unauthorised access, destruction, misuse, modification or disclosure.

As far as permissible under law, CoBond accepts no responsibility for the unauthorised access of personal information held by CoBond.

Accessing Personal Information About You

You have a right to access and obtain a copy of the personal information CoBond holds about you. To make a request you must advise CoBond in writing specifying the information you require and verifying your identity.

Your request will be dealt with promptly and CoBond reserve the right to charge for reasonable costs incurred in supplying any information.

Information requests should be directed to:

The Privacy Officer
CoBond Material Solutions Pty Limited
P.O Box 2291
Dangar NSW 2309

Further Information and Assistance

General information on privacy and the National Privacy Principles can be obtained from The Office of the Privacy Commissioner’s Web site at

To make a complaint regarding an alleged breach of privacy, please contact CoBond’s Privacy Officer at the abovementioned address, who will deal with the complaint promptly and in accordance with the generally accepted principles of complaint resolution. If you are not satisfied with CoBond’s response you may contact the Privacy Commissioner.